Move and Shoot
Move and Shoot - Rules and Procedures
The purpose of Move and Shoot is to reinforce safe, effective tactical practices and measure practical improvement under the pressures of time. While this class is NOT a competition, and runs are not scored, we organize it according to USPSA range management practices.
Your unloaded pistol should point ONLY toward the wall at the safety table until it is holstered.
When running the stage, your muzzle should ONLY be pointed downrange. When finishing a stage, do not turn your body.
No one will handle a loaded firearm without being under the direct supervision of the Range Officer (RO).
Firearms will be UNLOADED AND HOLSTERED except:
1) When moving your unloaded firearm from case/mat to holster, you will do so at the Safety Table at direction of the Range Officer.
2) When it is your turn to shoot the stage, you will come to the start and be given direction by the RO.
When shooting a stage and it is your turn to shoot, the range officer will give you the command "Make Ready" (see below) and you will load your pistol and chamber a round only at at that point.
When you are setting up on the range you will need to get your gun out of its case or bag, and holster it. Any time your handgun is not in a bag or a holster you either need to be under the direct supervision of a range officer or at the Safety Table. At the Safety Table you will safely take your unloaded pistols, check clear and holster them. That's it.
If you have a malfunction at any point during the class, the RO may work with you on the firearm at the safety table.
When it is your turn to shoot a stage you will be given a series of range commands.
Make Ready - This is the first instruction the range officer will give you, and at that point, you will unholster your firearm, take sight pictures if you'd like, load your pistol and reholster it. Reholstering your pistol will be the signal to the RO to move forward with the stage.
Shooter Ready? - If you are ready you can nod your head or otherwise indicate to the RO that you are ready. If you are not ready, reply with a good loud "no," and the RO will then wait for you to assume the correct starting position again before repeating the command.
Standby - This is the final warning before the beep will sound. At the standby command, you should remain motionless in the starting position until you hear the tone to start shooting. For our purposes your hands should be below your waistline unless directed otherwise by the RO.
Unload and Show Clear - When you are finished with the stage they will give you this instruction. You will remove the magazine from your gun and then remove the chambered round. You will show the RO your empty chamber for their visual inspection.
If Clear, Hammer Down, and Holster - After you and the range officer have inspected your chamber you will drop your slide and then point your gun down range and pull the trigger to prove it is empty. After you pull the trigger, reholster your gun and then wait for the range officers last command. Anytime after the RO starts the If clear, hammer down, and holster, you may not reload your gun. It is to remain clear until you are under the make ready command again.
Range is Clear - At this point, you may leave your final position, retrieve magazines, check targets as they get scored, etc. All other students should help reset the range per the RO's request.
Watch This Demonstration
Jerry Miculek is cooler than we will ever be